“Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light”

-Albus Dumbledore

Services Offered

Individual Talk Therapy

For many adults, sometimes we just need someone to listen without judgment and offer a different perspective. I provide this for every client I work with. In addition, I also help clients identify their needs and create goals to meet them. As a clinician, I respect how difficult it can be to share intimate details about your life. Counseling can be a scary thing to consider, so I want to promote comfort and partnership as much as possible.

Counseling for Teens and Family

Teenagers are experiencing more difficulties in this generation than in any before. I offer a safe place for them to feel comfortable sharing their needs and expressing themselves. In addition to working with them, I also like to work with the whole family unit as they are a part of a larger system. In this way, I can help the teen feel more connected with their family and the parents to better understand their child’s perspective.

Play Therapy for Children

I see children as young as five years old. For younger children and some adolescents, play therapy can be a great model. Children may not be able to identify and express their emotions with words. Also, their primary language of communication is through play. As a result, play therapy can help the counselor connect with them and aid them in developing healthy emotional expression.

Counseling for Parents

AEB Counseling Services offers sessions focused on aiding parents on an array of different topics. Topics are selected based off the parents' needs or requests. The purpose of these sessions is to work with parents in building a stronger relationship with their child as well as learning how best to meet their needs. Below are some examples of topics parents often seek help with:

  • Understanding how symptoms of depression or anxiety present in children and adolescents

  • Learning about effects of ADHD in the home setting,

  • Building communication and conflict resolution skills

  • Learning the signs of bullying or being bullied

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world.

Trauma-Focused Counseling

I am trained in a type of therapy called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This is a trauma-focused model of counseling which is used to create more adaptive ways of processing past experiences. It is evidence based and has shown to be effective for an array of mental illnesses. For more information, please feel free to reach out.