Partnership in Counseling

I believe the therapeutic relationship is different than a standard clinical one between doctor and patient. My approach is to view the therapeutic relationship as an equal partnership between myself and the client. We both work together to identify needs and establish counseling goals.


Treatment Techniques

I offer different techniques based off the client’s needs. For children and teens, I utilize play therapy as “play” is the language in which they best communicate. I also believe in a family systems approach as children are a part of a larger unit. For individual clients, I use my training in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to identify negative thinking patterns and help change them to more adaptive ones.

Wellness Model

Some counselors only focus on a client’s mental health. I believe that mental health is just one component of our total wellness. Wellness is comprised of our mental, physical, and spiritual health. In this way, all of these areas can impact one another in both positive and negative ways. In my practice, I offer recommendations on how clients can improve each of these components and encourage them to focus on gaining health in each of them. In this way, we are working together towards wellness.